Tips to be an Awesome Paraplanner

Passion, proficiency and profitability are three essential aspects that result in career satisfaction when perfectly balanced. Providing a great service to both financial advisors falls into the proficiency section. Whether you are just starting out in your career or have previous experience, there is always room for growth and development.

Continue reading to discover our top tips to be an awesome paraplanner and grow your career.

Approach Each Day with a Fantastic Attitude

In any workplace, a good attitude is irreplaceable. Be polite, positive and supportive in what you do and start each day with a smile to set your day up for success. Remember that a positive attitude is contagious and will bring a better vibe to those around you.

Communicate Regularly with Your Financial Advisor

To be an awesome paraplanner, your communication skills should be top notch. Polite, professional and honest communication is paramount with both your financial advisor and any clients. Remember, a phone call or face-to-face conversation goes a long way. You can find out more information in those 5 or 10 minutes than in a whole string of emails, leaving the rest of your time free for a productive day.

Stay on Top of Any SOA Requests

Speak to your financial advisor about any Statement of Advice (SOA) requests and ensure you check any documentation within 24 hours of receiving it. It is better to discover on day one that some information is missing than closer to your deadline date. This allows time to rectify without affecting the completion date and enables you to work calmly and efficiently. 

Plan Each and Every Day

Planning is key! In an increasingly competitive industry, great planning skills will set you up for success. Having a to-do list for the day allows you to prioritise tasks and ensure that you do not miss any completion or deadline dates. In addition to this, it also enables you to understand your capacity and keep realistic expectations. These expectations ensure that you don’t overcommit yourself and can complete any SOAs to a high degree of quality.

Have a Willingness to Learn

The financial industry is ever changing so it is essential to keep an open mind and have a willingness to learn. Enrol in new courses or programs, have reference books to hand and take note when another professional is offering advice. This willingness will allow you to grow your career and continue to reach new levels.

Don’t Limit Your Career

In the financial industry, the world is your oyster, and you shouldn’t put yourself in a box. Consider both in-house and freelance paraplanning opportunities and how each will develop your skills and enable you to grow your career. If you want flexibility, it can be beneficial to choose an outsourcing company to work with such as TNW Solutions. Remember to keep your passion alive because this will help to fuel you on your road to success.

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